Monday, April 2, 2018

Assembly Video

Dear HM Families,

At our March Assembly we talked about the importance of struggle, challenge, and failure as it pertains to brain development and learning.  Learning from mistakes is an essential part of helping students to grow (and also to learn that they can achieve goals even when they have failed at something).  

For the assembly, we shared our newest Horace Mann video production titled “Try Everything”

I have included a link to the video here:

This video is private.  To view, use the password: horacemann

After the video, I talked to the students about the basic message, which is:
  1. Sometimes things are going to be challenging (in academics, with friends, learning a new skill, taking a risk)
  2. When things get hard…don’t give up.  Use a strategy, take a break, and try again.
  3. Making mistakes is how learn and how we grow our brains.
  4. Try Everything!

Over the next couple of weeks (and hopefully beyond) students will be asked to reflect on their own mistakes and challenges, along with their use of strategies to overcome those mistakes.  They will then fill out a short reflection sheet for posting in classrooms, in the hallways, or at home.  Our goal is to normalize the idea that making mistakes is actually a good thing!