Monday, April 23, 2018

NewsNotes 4/8/2018

Staff News - As some of you know, Lisa Mikus (4th Grade teacher at HM and in Newton for many years) has been in New Jersey for the past two years supporting and taking care of her mom.  At the time, Lisa’s hope was to move back up to Massachusetts and return to Horace Mann. However, due to a variety of circumstances, Lisa has made the decision to stay in New Jersey to continue supporting her mom and re-engaging in her teaching career there. 

I wanted to take a moment to briefly acknowledge Lisa’s career in Newton.  For those of you who know Lisa, you can attest to the fact that we are losing a thoughtful, passionate, and tremendously skilled educator.  Over the years, many students and their families have expressed gratitude for the rich experiences Lisa has provided in her classroom. Lisa’s ability to inspire and foster a love for learning in her students was a gift, and one that she will now bring to a new generation of children in New Jersey...few teachers are able to say that they've made such a positive impression on so many young lives.  It has been a privilege to work with Lisa for the time we had...she will no doubt be missed. Best wishes to Lisa in this new chapter.

MCAS - Testing begins this week. The schedule for testing this week is as follows:
  • Tuesday - 4th Grade ELA
  • Wednesday - 4th Grade ELA
  • Thursday - 3rd Grade ELA
  • Friday - 5th Grade ELA
After the April Break, the remaining test schedule is as follows:
  • Grade 3 ELA - 4/23
  • Grade 3 Math - 4/26 and 5/3
  • Grade 4 Math - 4/25 and 5/4
  • Grade 5 ELA - 4/27
  • Grade 5 Math - 4/30 and 5/2
  • Grade 5 Science  - 5/18 and 5/21

FORJ Meeting - FORJ Event - On Tuesday April 10, we will gather at Horace Mann school at 7pm for our third discussion group this year. We will read Chapter 5 of the book The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. If you need help obtaining this chapter, please let me know - I have it. Option to also read Chapter 1 for context!
Please RSVP here: Jtca8cPX5UA4wFUn2 and pass it on!
Questions can go to Cedar Pruitt at

SEPAC Update
Tuesday, April 10th – SEPAC Open Board Meeting
Networking starts at 7:15pm; Meeting starts at 7:30pm
Education Center; Room 217

Wednesday, April 11th - Transition to post High School
Education Center; Room 210; 7:30pm
Overview of NPS Transition Services, presented by Jill Curry (NPS Transition Specialist)

Thursday, April 12th - SEPAC Board meets with Karen Shmukler

Placement Reminder -  I have again attached a form that can be filled out electronically or by hand if you wish to provide me with any information that might be helpful in our placement process.  Filling out the form is OPTIONAL.



If you decide to complete the form, please return it to the main office or via email at by Friday, April 13th, 2018