December 2, 2017
In this issue: |
From Principal Nardelli |
Food Drive - A tremendous thank you to the many, many families who have taken the time to donate a wide variety of goods for this month's food drive. We will be delivering the items in the next week or so and they will be much appreciated. Thank you! Communication Update - The PTO board and I agreed to make some changes to our communication methods with the hopes of streamlining things. Over the past month or so, we have shifted to using the MYSCHOOLANYWHERE platform, which is also the site that houses our school directory. You will now get NewsNotes, PTO postings, fundraiser information, etc. from this site. I also post updates directly to my blog on the Horace Mann Website, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link: On occasion, families will still receive information about early release dates, progress reports, etc. from our district sponsored messaging system (Skyward). Please let me know if you feel that are ways that we can improve our practices ( Staffing Update - A small team of people has spent the last couple of weeks interviewing candidates and watching demo lessons as part of our efforts to find a qualified educator take over for Ms. Bonzey during her maternity leave, which will begin in January. After careful consideration and input from the team, I am excited to share that Sarah Pappo will be assuming lead teacher responsibilities when we return from the December break until the remainder of the school year. Sarah has worked at HM for the past two years as a paraprofessional with the opes of one day having her own classroom. Throughout our search process and in her time at Horace Mann, Ms. Pappo has had many opportunities to lead whole group and small group instruction, and has demonstrated the ability to effectively manage a variety of learning environments in both K and 1 classrooms. In addition, Ms. Pappo spent last year working in Ms. Bonzey’s classroom and is familiar with many of the routines, structures, and strategies currently in place. Please join me in congratulating Ms. Pappo on this opportunity. FORJ Group - This group of families in and around Newton has organized an effort to educate parents, children, and various communities about race racism, culture and identity. The following message is an update of upcoming activities for the group at Horace Mann. Please consider attending our upcoming discussion event coming up next Tuesday, December 12 at Horace Mann from 7-9pm - check out the materials and RSVP here: Newton SEPAC - Personal Safety Workshop Agenda: A discussion about Personal Safety for families with children with Special Needs, presented by a Safety Officer from the Newton Police Department. Location: Education Center, Room 210, Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460 Date: Tuesday, December 5 7:15 - Networking 7:30 - Presentation begins Student Connectedness Survey - For the second year in a row, the district will be conducting a student connectedness survey for all students in grades 3-12. The survey was created by NPS’s Data Team and NPS staff, administrators and faculty, and is designed to help us better understand how our students are supported by and engaged with curriculum, extracurricular activities, teachers, peers, and their school community. We will be administering this survey prior to the break. Parents of children in grades 3-5 should already have received information about the survey. If you have any questions, please let me know at Early Release Plan - This Thursday, December 7th, we have an early release for all staff. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. During this afternoon time, we are planning to have staff watch one of three videos focused on our equity work, followed by discussion activities. We firmly believe that our own learning and reflection is central to our efforts to create a culturally responsive school. The videos we have chosen will provide the opportunity for teachers to learn more about the diverse perspectives that our students and families bring to the classroom, and also talk about how these perspectives impact instruction and learning. Below I have provided a brief description of each video as well as a trailer link, in case you are interested in learning more. "THE COLOR OF FEAR" - The Color of Fear is an insightful, groundbreaking film about the state of race relations in America as seen through the eyes of eight North American men of Asian, European, Latino and African descent. In a series of intelligent, emotional and dramatic confrontations the men reveal the pain and scars that racism has caused them. What emerges is a deeper sense of understanding and trust. This is the dialogue most of us fear, but hope will happen sometime in our lifetime. Shortly after the release of The Color of Fear in 1995, Lee Mun Wah appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show in a one-hour special about his life and work. In 1999, The Color of Fear won the Golden Apple Award for Best Social Studies Video, National Education Media Awards. "I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO" - In 1979, James Baldwin wrote a letter to his literary agent describing his next project, Remember This House. The book was to be a revolutionary, personal account of the lives and successive assassinations of three of his close friends-Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. At the time of Baldwin's death in 1987, he left behind only thirty completed pages of his manuscript. Now, in his incendiary new documentary, master filmmaker Raoul Peck envisions the book James Baldwin never finished. The result is a radical, up-to-the-minute examination of race in America, using Baldwin's original words and flood of rich archival material. I Am Not Your Negro is a journey into black history that connects the past of the Civil Rights movement to the present of #BlackLivesMatter. It is a film that questions black representation in Hollywood and beyond. And, ultimately, by confronting the deeper connections between the lives and assassination of these three leaders, Baldwin and Peck have produced a work that challenges the very definition of what America stands for. "THE WAY HOME: WOMEN TALK ABOUT RACE IN AMERICA" - Over the course of eight months, sixty-four women representing a cross-section of cultures (Indigenous, African-American, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian, European-American, Jewish, Latina, and Multiracial) came together to share their experience of racism in America. With uncommon courage, the women speak their hearts and minds about resistance, love, assimilation, standards of beauty, power, school experiences, and more. Their candid conversations offer rare access into multi-dimensional worlds invisible to outsiders. The abundance of photographs, dance, and music provides a sensual richness to this provocative piece. |
Calendar |
Thursday, December 7
Staff Appreciation Breakfast
Thursday, December 7
12:30 p.m. Early Release
Tuesday, December 12th
FORJ Parent Discussion
Dec. 25-Jan.1
Winter Recess
Visit the entire Horace Mann Calendar at
From the PTO |
SAVE THE DATE: Mystery Dinner—February 3, 2018—calling all hosts! Our 2018 Mystery Dinner is Saturday, February 3, 2018 and we need hosts!! Those of you who have been a part of the Mystery Dinner in previous years know how much fun it is. It's a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old acquaintances, meet new friends, and connect with other HM parents; all while enjoying delicious food and supporting the school. Please consider opening your home for a dinner. For those who need more info, a quick snapshot of the night: It begins with a cocktail hour (6:30pm) where all attendees go to receive their dinner location and a list of people in their dining party. Parties will then split up and go to their hosts' houses and enjoy a special dinner from 8:00-9:30pm. Thereafter, all parties will reconvene at a mystery location for dessert. Being a host entails opening up your home to anywhere from 4-10 people (or more if your house can accommodate) for dinner. You decide the theme and the menu for your party to enjoy. Past dinners have ranged from home-cooked Italian dinners to surf & turf to Indian cuisine. It can be as creative and involved as you wish. It does not need to be extravagant--the point is to enjoy a good meal and to have fun! Note: it is preferred for hosts to get babysitters or have the kids at a friend's or family member's house during the dinner. If you are interested or have questions, please email Liz Kleinerman ( or Cathy Amos ( with any questions. |
Sunday, December 3, 2017
NewsNotes 12/3/2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
NewsNotes 11/12/17
FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) - This group of families in and around Newton has organized an effort to educate parents, children, and various communities about race racism, culture and identity. The following message is an update of upcoming activities for the group at Horace Mann. For anyone interested in taking part we have two events coming up:
- We will meet on Monday, November 20 at 7pm. Kate Carpenter will host at her home on 67 Prescott Avenue in Newton. We'll get to know each other, talk about our ideas, and how we can best support Mark Nardelli and the HM staff as they learn and teach about racial awareness, bias, and privilege.
- In addition, we're trying out an article/podcast discussion group on racial awareness and privilege for parents and guardians to connect, open up and learn, too. Our first meeting is Tuesday, December 12 at Horace Mann - check out the materials and RSVP here:
Empathy and Cultural Humility - I came across the following article and felt it was worth sharing. Much of our conversation centers around the idea when we are willing hear each other’s stories, we are more likely to reach out to be helpful to and inclusive of others. The attached article points to several tools that are worth exploring as adults:
- Over the past several years, standardized testing has been in a state of flux. We’ve had the original version of MCAS, PARCC (both online and on paper versions), and most recently the Next Generation MCAS.
- For each version, the questions and format have evolved. As I have always maintained, we do not teach to the test. Each year, as the state releases more test questions, we will do our best to help students anticipate the kinds of questions they can expect to see.
- The results, which don’t come to us until 6 months after the test is given, are generally not helpful in making instructional decisions for individual students. Instead, we rely on assessments that are given throughout the year to provide us with information about students’ strengths and weaknesses.
- MCAS results can be helpful in looking for patterns within a specific topic or instructional area. For example, if a large number of students do poorly on Number Sense questions, we can look at classroom instruction in that area.
- Real estate agencies typically use test scores as a major factor in helping families decide whether a school is high functioning. For Horace Mann, we were a 9 (out of 10) two years ago, a 7 last year, and an 8 this year. Despite the different scores, our approach and our philosophy really hasn't changed, and the scores can only indicate a portion of what is working or not working in a school. Keep in mind that there are other important variables that need to be considered in assessing how well a school functions. These variables include school climate, attitudes towards social emotional learning, commitment to values and priorities, efforts to promote citizenship, etc.
- For more information about MCAS and the dilemma schools face as standardized tests have evolved, click on the following link to a recent article in the Boston Globe:
If you have individual questions about your child’s scores, please reach out to me and/or your child’s teachers to get a better sense of where the scores fit in with the larger picture.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
NewsNotes 11/5/2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Family Workshop - Talking to Children about Identity and Diversity
Family Workshop Evening Event - Talking to Children about Identity in a Diverse World
Horace Mann staff will provide parents/caregivers with a chance to reflect on their own understanding of identity (race, religion, culture, gender, family structure, etc.) and then talk about realistic scenarios that may come up with your children. Below are a few scenario examples:
- From parent - "Why does one student get extra time on a test? My child could perform better if he had extra time.”
- 2nd grade to a boy - "You shouldn't wear your hair long, you're a girl.”
- From parent - "How come the schools keep talking about the achievement gap? What about my kid?”
- From student - "When I look around the room I see that my hands are a different color than everyone else's"
Schedule for Thursday, October 26th
5:45 Pizza available for all families (generously provided by PTO)
6:15-7:45 Activity and Discussion (Childcare available provided by DAD staf)
7:45 Childcare Pickup
Please click on the following link to REGISTER:
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Sunday, October 15, 2017
NewsNotes 10/15/17
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Sunday, September 24, 2017
NewsNotes 9/24/2017
Horace Mann Values - As a staff we spent the early part of the year reviewing our overarching school values and made changes that we felt would be a better reflection of our priorities and our work. I have outlined the values below and provided some examples of what those values look like in action here at school. We shared these with students at last Friday’s All School Assembly. Feel free to have a conversation about what these same values might look like at home.
Be Proud of Who You Are and Accepting of Others
- Be open to new things (like foods or traditions).
- Share something you are good at or proud of.
- Show compassion for a friend who seems upset.
- Invite a new friend to play.
Be Safe
Early Release Day Professional Development
This Wednesday, September 27th is an early release day for all students. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. Staff will stay and take part in our first professional development of the year, and I’d like to take this opportunity to share some of what we will be working on...
First, a quick summary of our work from last year: Our focus last year was to begin to think about how we could become a more culturally responsive and welcoming school for all. We offered staff opportunities to learn and reflect on what it means to be culturally responsive and we also geared several of our other initiatives with the same thought in mind. These activities included: family engagement opportunities (ELL literacy morning, Title 1 discussion night, Family Buddies, etc.), examination of our book collections and expanding our libraries (classroom and school), and the creation of lessons on prejudice reduction.
This summer, a group of staff continued this effort and looked at the works of James and Cherry McGee Banks (leaders in multicultural education) as the basis for our efforts to truly become a school that reflects our student population and welcomes everyone. Below are four areas were we will continue to focus our work.
This Thursday, September 28th, we will host our annual Back to School/Curriculum Night which offers caregivers a chance to hear from the principal, the PTO and classroom teachers about our work this year. We are again offering two info sessions with classroom teachers: a K-2 session and a 3-5 session.
Importantly, this event includes childcare and pizza for all who wish to take part. Childcare will begin at 5:35 and run until 7:30. Please register using the link below to let us know about your plans:
Below is the schedule of events for the evening:
5:00pm Meeting with families in Metco program
5:15pm Pizza available for all families
5:35-6:10pm K-2 Presentations (childcare begins)
6:15-6:45pm PTO/Principal Presentations
6:50-7:25pm 3-5 Presentations (and childcare pickup for K-2)
7:30 Childcare Pickup
From the PTO

“Mixed Bag” Gift Fundraiser—starts next week!
Our first official fundraiser kicks off next week and we hope everyone will participate! Mixed Bag Designs ( offers a wide range of great gift items just in time for the holidays. Check out samples on display at Curriculum Night. Order forms will go home next week in your child’s backpack. And the best part: almost 50% of the proceeds go to the Horace Mann PTO for programming that directly benefits our kids. Mixed Bag offers bags, accessories, gift wrap, kitchen items, and more to sell to (or buy for) family and friends. This year's sale runs from October 2-18. Out-of-town family and friends will be able to order online—HM account info to come soon— so please share with all for the holiday season. We will receive the products before Hanukkah (Dec. 12). Please email with questions.
Curriculum Night—Thursday, September 28
Our next big school event is Curriculum Night. This is a great opportunity to hear from principal Mark Nardelli on the Horace Mann school philosophy, meet teachers and hear more about their classroom environment/curriculum. You will also hear from the PTO Board on programs and events for you to participate in throughout the year. Please come prepared to pay dues that night if not before to be entered into the raffle!
International Night – Friday, October 13, 6-7:30PM
Help celebrate the wonderful diversity of the Horace Mann community! Get out your cookbooks and prepare your taste buds for a treat. One of the most popular events of the school calendar is around the corner.
• International potluck dinner
• Country tables with food, photos and cultural items
• Multicultural music, activities and prizes
If you would like to host a country table, bring a dish, or help with the event in some other way, please contact Manisha trivedi (

PTO Dues
Dues are an important line item in the HM budget to fund many of the programs integral to the school’s curriculum (Creative Arts & Sciences, e.g.). We ask that each family contribute $50 per child at HM as your annual contribution to PTO dues. There are many ways to do this easily—website (—click on ‘support’ button), personal check, or any PTO Board Member can take credit cards. You will hear more about this on Curriculum Night – we will be raffling off an Apple Watch as well as tickets to our HM Auction or Mystery Dinner—your choice— for anyone who has contributed their dues up through the end of Curriculum Night!

School photo day is
Monday, September 25th.
Photos must be ordered online or with a form On or BEFORE September 25th in order for Horace Mann to earn a commission. Visit, and order now!
- Walk in the halls.
- Climb ladders instead of slides.
- Look both ways before you cross the street.
- Listen to teacher directions.
- Apologize when you hurt someone’s feelings.
- Admit when you make a mistake.
- Do your assigned classroom job.
- Use kind words.
- Clean up after you play a game.
- Hold the door for someone.
- Say please and thank you.
- Be curious and ask questions.
- Work hard.
- Try new things.
- Ask for help when you get stuck.
Early Release Day Professional Development
This Wednesday, September 27th is an early release day for all students. Students will be dismissed at 12:30. Staff will stay and take part in our first professional development of the year, and I’d like to take this opportunity to share some of what we will be working on...
First, a quick summary of our work from last year: Our focus last year was to begin to think about how we could become a more culturally responsive and welcoming school for all. We offered staff opportunities to learn and reflect on what it means to be culturally responsive and we also geared several of our other initiatives with the same thought in mind. These activities included: family engagement opportunities (ELL literacy morning, Title 1 discussion night, Family Buddies, etc.), examination of our book collections and expanding our libraries (classroom and school), and the creation of lessons on prejudice reduction.
This summer, a group of staff continued this effort and looked at the works of James and Cherry McGee Banks (leaders in multicultural education) as the basis for our efforts to truly become a school that reflects our student population and welcomes everyone. Below are four areas were we will continue to focus our work.
- Content Integration/Knowledge Construction: In this domain, staff will look more closely at how the curriculum can be shaped to include a wider variety of perspectives in meaningful ways. This might mean looking at a wider range of explorers or inventors, or looking at a historical event from multiple viewpoints. Often this topic is referred to as curriculum transformation.
- Equity Pedagogy: In this area, staff will explore how to teach using methods that take into account the diverse population of students that we serve.This will happen through early year community building activities, classroom structures and practices, and most importantly, different ways to approach instruction. Often this topic is referred to as culturally responsive teaching.
- Prejudice Reduction: Staff members in this group will continue the work we started last year with our K-5 lesson sequence aimed exposing students to stereotypes, bias, and prejudice reduction.
- Empowering School Culture and Social Structure: In this domain, teachers will look at broader school issues that could include designing family workshops, assessing school appearance, looking at special ed referral rates, looking at behavior referrals and responses, and more.
This Thursday, September 28th, we will host our annual Back to School/Curriculum Night which offers caregivers a chance to hear from the principal, the PTO and classroom teachers about our work this year. We are again offering two info sessions with classroom teachers: a K-2 session and a 3-5 session.
Importantly, this event includes childcare and pizza for all who wish to take part. Childcare will begin at 5:35 and run until 7:30. Please register using the link below to let us know about your plans:
Below is the schedule of events for the evening:
5:00pm Meeting with families in Metco program
5:15pm Pizza available for all families
5:35-6:10pm K-2 Presentations (childcare begins)
6:15-6:45pm PTO/Principal Presentations
6:50-7:25pm 3-5 Presentations (and childcare pickup for K-2)
7:30 Childcare Pickup
From the PTO

“Mixed Bag” Gift Fundraiser—starts next week!
Our first official fundraiser kicks off next week and we hope everyone will participate! Mixed Bag Designs ( offers a wide range of great gift items just in time for the holidays. Check out samples on display at Curriculum Night. Order forms will go home next week in your child’s backpack. And the best part: almost 50% of the proceeds go to the Horace Mann PTO for programming that directly benefits our kids. Mixed Bag offers bags, accessories, gift wrap, kitchen items, and more to sell to (or buy for) family and friends. This year's sale runs from October 2-18. Out-of-town family and friends will be able to order online—HM account info to come soon— so please share with all for the holiday season. We will receive the products before Hanukkah (Dec. 12). Please email with questions.
Curriculum Night—Thursday, September 28
Our next big school event is Curriculum Night. This is a great opportunity to hear from principal Mark Nardelli on the Horace Mann school philosophy, meet teachers and hear more about their classroom environment/curriculum. You will also hear from the PTO Board on programs and events for you to participate in throughout the year. Please come prepared to pay dues that night if not before to be entered into the raffle!
International Night – Friday, October 13, 6-7:30PM
Help celebrate the wonderful diversity of the Horace Mann community! Get out your cookbooks and prepare your taste buds for a treat. One of the most popular events of the school calendar is around the corner.
• International potluck dinner
• Country tables with food, photos and cultural items
• Multicultural music, activities and prizes
If you would like to host a country table, bring a dish, or help with the event in some other way, please contact Manisha trivedi (

PTO Dues
Dues are an important line item in the HM budget to fund many of the programs integral to the school’s curriculum (Creative Arts & Sciences, e.g.). We ask that each family contribute $50 per child at HM as your annual contribution to PTO dues. There are many ways to do this easily—website (—click on ‘support’ button), personal check, or any PTO Board Member can take credit cards. You will hear more about this on Curriculum Night – we will be raffling off an Apple Watch as well as tickets to our HM Auction or Mystery Dinner—your choice— for anyone who has contributed their dues up through the end of Curriculum Night!

School photo day is
Monday, September 25th.
Photos must be ordered online or with a form On or BEFORE September 25th in order for Horace Mann to earn a commission. Visit, and order now!
NewsNotes 9/10/2017
It has been a pleasure to see all of the excited young faces enter our building each of the first four days last week. I spent much of my time welcoming students each morning and visiting classrooms throughout the day. Based on conversations I’ve had with a sampling of students, teachers, and parents, it seems that we’ve had a successful opening to school. We spent considerable time and energy talking about how we can make the opening of school a welcoming experience, and I am hopeful that we achieved his goal. If not, I am always happy to hear suggestion about how we can improve our practice. Feel free to share your thoughts via email at
In reflecting on our opening, I want to share that as a staff we made a commitment this year to spend the month of September focusing on practices and activities that will foster a welcoming environment. While we recognize that many children truly enjoy summer, many also return to school each September with a renewed optimism and a feeling that they have a fresh start. We are making a concerted effort to capitalize on these feelings by creating opportunities for students to share who they are, to participate in learning activities that are inspiring and engaging, and to build upon the confidence students often feel early in the year. To that end, all classrooms are focusing on identity and community building activities, talking about school values, trying out new inquiry based lessons, and reviewing previously learned material. At Curriculum Night at the end of September, I will expand upon these thoughts and how it relates to our work beyond the month of September.
On a more practical side, here are some details about how to stay in touch during the school year:
NEWSNOTES: You will receive newsletters like this twice per month through our PTO mail system. There will often be important information shared here about school events, staffing, programming, etc. The same information will also be posted to the Horace Mann Blog which can be found here:
SKYWARD MESSENGER EMAILS/PHONE CALLS/TEXTS (new this year): Every so often, I will share important information about upcoming events (like placement lists or early release days). If you have never received a message from this system, please let us know…
PTO EMAILS: You can expect regular emails about school events, fundraisers, volunteer
opportunities, etc.
TWITTER: The Horace Mann Twitter handle is @HoraceMann687. While I am not an avid Twitter user, I do post photos and videos of school performances, or articles that I think might be worth reading.
CLASSROOM COMMUNICATIONS: I expect each teacher to communicate with families on a regular basis either in hard copy, through a blog, via email, on a website or some combination. Please let me know if you feel that you are not getting information from your child’s teacher.
Finally, I’m sure that many of you (and your children) are adjusting to new routines, fall activities and crisp, dry weather (hurricanes notwithstanding). Here are a few articles that might provides some tips for managing this transition:
Please read on for some important reminders about events coming up this week!
From the PTO

Hello and welcome to the 2017/18 school year! We hope that everyone had a great summer and is excited about another fantastic year at Horace Mann. One of our main goals is to have many opportunities for families to create connections across our school community. This Fall we have a jam-packed calendar filled with fun and meaningful community-building events. See our latest calendar at
Each year we strive to create a rich experience for our students and families and we need your support to make this happen. Whether it is volunteering for a couple of hours or leading a committee, your involvement makes the Horace Mann stronger as a community school. See our latest Committee/Chairperson list on our PTO website at
Please do not hesitate to contact any board member about getting involved or with questions, thoughts and suggestions. Your voice and involvement will help us build upon our strengths and bring fresh ideas that will benefit all HM families!
Co-Presidents: Jacqueline Freeman and Adam Brown
VPs: Sharon Russo and Jess Schiefer
Co-Treasurers: Megan Anapolle and Jon Mendicina
Secretary: Susannah Wardly

Specialist/PTO Open House (a new event!)—Tuesday, September 12, 6:15 p.m.
This event was created in direct response to feedback from you! Parents want to know more about what our specialists do as well as how the PTO operates/what we focus on—so we created an event that will do both! Please join staff from Special Ed, ESL, Literacy, and Specialists (Art, Music, PE, Library) to get to know them and hear about their wonderful programming. And PTO Board members will be at the ready to tell you more about what we do and how you can get involved. Look forward to seeing you there!
Back-to-School Picnic—Thursday, September 14, 5-7 p.m.
We hope to see you all at the Back-to-School Picnic on Thursday, September 14 at 5:00pm. This is a casual and fun way to reconnect with old friends and meet some new Horace Mann families. There is nothing formal here--people congregate in the field behind HM with chairs, blankets and dinner for their families. And all will enjoy DJ/games and free ice cream from Cabot’s!
Curriculum Night—Thursday, September 28
After the picnic, our next big school event is Curriculum Night. This is a great opportunity to hear from principal Mark Nardelli speak about the Horace Mann school philosophy, meet teachers and hear more about their classroom environment/curriculum. You will also hear from the PTO Board on programs and events for you to participate in throughout the year. Please come prepared to pay dues that night if not before to be entered into the raffle!

Finally, I’m sure that many of you (and your children) are adjusting to new routines, fall activities and crisp, dry weather (hurricanes notwithstanding). Here are a few articles that might provides some tips for managing this transition:
Please read on for some important reminders about events coming up this week!
From the PTO

Hello and welcome to the 2017/18 school year! We hope that everyone had a great summer and is excited about another fantastic year at Horace Mann. One of our main goals is to have many opportunities for families to create connections across our school community. This Fall we have a jam-packed calendar filled with fun and meaningful community-building events. See our latest calendar at
Each year we strive to create a rich experience for our students and families and we need your support to make this happen. Whether it is volunteering for a couple of hours or leading a committee, your involvement makes the Horace Mann stronger as a community school. See our latest Committee/Chairperson list on our PTO website at
Please do not hesitate to contact any board member about getting involved or with questions, thoughts and suggestions. Your voice and involvement will help us build upon our strengths and bring fresh ideas that will benefit all HM families!
Co-Presidents: Jacqueline Freeman and Adam Brown
VPs: Sharon Russo and Jess Schiefer
Co-Treasurers: Megan Anapolle and Jon Mendicina
Secretary: Susannah Wardly

Specialist/PTO Open House (a new event!)—Tuesday, September 12, 6:15 p.m.
This event was created in direct response to feedback from you! Parents want to know more about what our specialists do as well as how the PTO operates/what we focus on—so we created an event that will do both! Please join staff from Special Ed, ESL, Literacy, and Specialists (Art, Music, PE, Library) to get to know them and hear about their wonderful programming. And PTO Board members will be at the ready to tell you more about what we do and how you can get involved. Look forward to seeing you there!
Back-to-School Picnic—Thursday, September 14, 5-7 p.m.
We hope to see you all at the Back-to-School Picnic on Thursday, September 14 at 5:00pm. This is a casual and fun way to reconnect with old friends and meet some new Horace Mann families. There is nothing formal here--people congregate in the field behind HM with chairs, blankets and dinner for their families. And all will enjoy DJ/games and free ice cream from Cabot’s!
Curriculum Night—Thursday, September 28
After the picnic, our next big school event is Curriculum Night. This is a great opportunity to hear from principal Mark Nardelli speak about the Horace Mann school philosophy, meet teachers and hear more about their classroom environment/curriculum. You will also hear from the PTO Board on programs and events for you to participate in throughout the year. Please come prepared to pay dues that night if not before to be entered into the raffle!

PTO Dues
Dues are an important line item in the HM budget to fund many of the programs integral to the school’s curriculum (e.g. Creative Arts & Sciences). We ask that each family contribute $50 per child at HM as your annual contribution to the PTO. Simply visit myschoolanywhere or and click on the ‘Support’ button to pay by credit card or pay by check (to above board members). You will hear more about this on Curriculum Night (below) – we will be raffling off an Apple Watch and tickets to this year's Mystery Dinner and Spring Auction - and all you have to do to enter is contribute your dues by the end of Curriculum Night!
Welcome Back Letter to Families 2017-2018
August 20th, 2017
Dear Horace Mann Families,
I hope that this letter finds you well as we enter the latter part of August and begin to turn our attention to the start of a new school year. As always, summer goes by far too quickly, with the first part of July being tied up with transitions and adjustment to a new (more sane) pace of life. When August arrives our attention as educators almost immediately turns to the upcoming school year. The Nardelli family did get to relax a little by mid-July. Our big trip this year was to Quebec where we got to participate in a blend of culture and outdoor adventure. One highlight for my two daredevils (Julia-12 and Alora-6) was climbing the rocks and ziplining with their dad over Canyon De St. Anne. We also spent time in Old Quebec and visited the breathtaking Montmorency Falls Park. I highly recommend visiting if you have a chance. Eliana (14) will be entering high school in a few weeks, and spent time in summer school getting ready for this big change. She hopes to join the high school gymnastics team this year. Vincent, who will be two in October, hit a few milestones this summer: he learned to climb out of his crib (at 5:00 am most days this summer), will only drink from a cup without a lid (inevitably spilling everything all over the place), and currently sings “Hakuna Matata” at least 5 times a day. My wife Christine and I celebrated our 16th anniversary, did some summer cleaning and built a small gravel patio out back. We are now collectively dreading the return to our busy fall schedule of work, soccer, gymnastics, making lunches, daycare, and more!
Summer is also a time for reflection and learning, and I spent considerable time thinking and reading about our work for the upcoming year (a more detailed explanation will be forthcoming). I had a chance to take an online course on cultural proficiency and read a few books on related topics: Multicultural Education by James Banks, and Dog Whistle Politics by Ian Haney-Lopez.
It is hard to ignore the relevance of our work given the current atmosphere in our nation. I find myself truly troubled by the events of Charlottesville and the implications for where we stand as a country. It further strengthens my resolve as a parent and as school leader to ensure that we are doing all we can to teach each other and our students to listen, to be kind, to be compassionate, and to appreciate all that a diverse community has to offer.
If you need any guidance on how to talk to your children, the following article is helping in addressing the events of Charlottesville. It could also be helpful in talking more broadly about race.
I look forward to hearing about your adventures and your learning as well...
Moving on to more practical matters, I have several updates about the upcoming year:
Staffing/Programming News -
- In mid-July, after getting married, Kate Blanchard shared that she had an opportunity to work closer to her new home, and made the decision to leave Horace Mann for another district. Thank you to Kate for her work and we wish her the best of luck. With Kate’s departure, we almost immediately embarked on the process of hiring a new first grade teacher. Several staff participated in the interview process and collectively we interviewed eight candidates with a diverse array of backgrounds and levels of experience. In the end we selected Allison Rose. Allison has spent the last three years teaching first grade in a private school setting. Prior to that, she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education & Graphic Design at Stonehill College, and this summer completed her Master’s degree from Lesley University as a Specialist Teacher of Reading. Allison’s demeanor, her work ethic, her thoughtfulness about creating a classroom community, and her strong references helped to formulate what we felt would be a good fit for our team.
- This year, Horace Mann did not qualify as a Title 1 School (we were 5th on the list in terms of socioeconomic measures). This reality has a few significant implications for staffing and funding of initiatives. First, Sara McSwiggan, will now split her time between Horace Mann and Lincoln-Eliot, doing some combination of Reading Recovery and LLI. In addition, Ellen Kelner will be moving on to Lincoln-Eliot. Many thanks to Ellen for her years of service at HM. We wish her well. Finally, we will no longer have additional funds to use for homework club, or other extended day activities. We will need to decide as a school how to move forward with some of these activities.
- Welcome Back to Carol Oldmixon. She will return to 4th grade after taking a year at home to support her family.
- Nicole Levasseur is officially moving into the BCBA role. She will service the BCBA needs for the entire building, working four days per week. Nicole has worked for many years as a behavior therapist at Horace Mann and in other Newton Schools, while doing BCBA work in an unofficial capacity. Nicole will bring her considerable expertise and energy to the role.
- Barbara Kwan, ELL teacher at Franklin the last four years, will be joining our team for the fall. Barbara comes to us as a well respected colleague, collaborator, and educator.
- Holly St. Peter will be coming on board as our new team specialist. Holly has been a licensed school psychologist since 2008 and comes with experience across multiple grade levels in a variety of settings. She has extensive experience with the special ed evaluation process, writing behavior plans, conducting FBAs, running social groups, etc. Most recently she has worked to create a program at Brookline High School for students with emotional disabilities. Holly will be working 4 days per week in the team specialist role.
- Anna Cox will be joining our special education team as inclusion facilitator. Anna spent last year at Peirce under the guidance of Kara Smith and came to us as a well regarded applicant. Anna has had a range of experiences with students on the spectrum, as well those with social/emotional and behavioral challenges. Anna will join Katie Deehan and Siobhan Mikolajewski on our special ed team.
- Daniela Gentile will be moving into the Behavior Intervention role this fall. Daniela impressed the interview committee with her thoughtful answers, her understanding of the challenges of the job, and her ideas about how to move the program forward. I also had Daniela spend a day as the behavior interventionist last spring, and during that time, she took initiative, connected with students, and managed a variety of circumstances effectively. This summer, she also attended a 3 day behavior workshop with several other staff. Finally, congratulations to Daniela on her wedding this summer!
- Congratulations to inclusion facilitator, Siobhan Mikolajewski. She gave birth to Fiona Maggie Mikolajewski on July 28th, weighing in at just over 7 lbs. Siobhan will be on maternity leave until the end of October. I am in the final stages of naming a long term sub to fill in for Siobhan in her absence.
- Al Zellman is our new night custodian and began at Horace Mann midsummer. He has most recently been at Zervas and lives close to the HM neighborhood. It didn’t take long to see that he will fit right in at HM. Al is thoughtful, hard working, flexible, thorough, and willing to provide teachers with the support they need.
Other new staff:
- Darlene Watkins (inclusion assistant in K) - Darlene has worked in Title 1 Summer Success, has been a Metco Bus monitor, and has worked in a variety of capacities within the Newton Schools.
- Catherine Doherty (BT) - Catherine has spent the last two years working at Brown Middle School in the inclusion program and is interested in furthering her education by enrolling in a BCBA program. Catherine will be working as a BT in Kindergarten.
- Ashley Mosley (BT) - Ashley has worked in Brookline as a paraprofessional and as an ABA therapist for students on the autism spectrum for the past two years.
Calendar - The PTO and I discussed a possible change to the calendar this year that will impact Back To School Night. First, the PTO would like to have a separate PTO open house on Tuesday, September 12th to talk about the role of the PTO and encourage parents to sign up for volunteer work. In addition, we thought it might be a good chance for specialists and all non-classroom staff to be available for a more in-depth meet and greet. As a staff we still need to work out what this might look like. More details to follow.
Placement - Placement information will go out to families next Friday, August 25th. Sometime after noon, I will send placements out electronically via email and also post class lists on the front and rear doors of the school.
Facilities - We had no major changes to our building this summer, but we did have lots of classroom assignment changes. As always, please take a few minutes to thank Bill Pepicelli and Al Zelmann. They did a great job managing camp and limiting access to the building. We had lots of room changes and as a result, there was a lot of moving of furniture and shifting of storage, in addition to the normal cleaning and polishing that had to get done. The building is looking great for the arrival of the children. Thanks again for all you do!!!
School Supplies - If you participated in the school supply program last spring, kits are scheduled to arrive soon and will be distributed to classrooms prior to the first day of school. If you chose not to participate, a copy of each grade’s supply list is posted on the Horace Mann website at You can take advantage of sales and buy the items on your own. Please be sure to send your child into school with these supplies ready to start a great year of learning. The PTO can sponsor any student for whom the purchase of supplies would create a financial hardship. Please contact me for information.
The school calendar has been integrated into our website and will be updated regularly. You can access the calendar at this link: You can also follow us on Twitter @HoraceMann687.
Teaching Assignments for the 2017-2018 School Year
K - Bonzey, Ferland, Seyferth
1 - Chatfield, Gower, Rose
2 - Bartley, Lewis, Sandison
3 - Bard, Harris, Rosen
4 - Berardi/Fischer, Hoover, Oldmixon
5 - Akdag/Dias, Feldstein, Moore
Important Dates
August 29th at 5pm - K Playdate* (please note that this is a PTO event, teachers will not be present)
September 5th - 1st Day of School - Grades 1- 5 and Group A Kindergartners
September 6th - 1st Day of School - Group B Kindergartners
September 12th - PTO Open House
September 14th - Back to School Picnic
September 21st - No School - Rosh Hashanah
September 25th - School Picture Day
September 27th - Early Release Day
September 28th - Back to School/Curriculum Night
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