Friday, February 26, 2021

NewsNotes 2/26/2021

 Dear HM Families,

ESSENTIAL INFO: In the interest of making things more accessible, I’ve highlighted key info here:

  • Virtual Science Night - Enjoy a night of VIRTUAL science fun tonight! Friday, 7 p.m., February 26, 2021.  Here is the link to the show:

  • March Schedule Change - Due to the Special City Election on Tuesday, March 16th, we need to switch the in-person day for Cohort A. Cohort A will attend in person on Wednesday, March 17th, instead of Tuesday. All students will follow the Wednesday remote schedule on Tuesday, March 16th.  

  • Kindness Week - March 1st - March 5th.  Students are encouraged to carry out acts of kindness at school, online, and at home!  Post your pictures and deeds on our padlet:

DETAILED UPDATES:  If you would like more detail about what’s been happening at school, feel free to read the rest of the updates below:

Kindergarten Planning for Fall 2021 - We are starting to plan for Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year!  If your child will be turning 5 years old prior to September 1, 2021, please complete the NPS school survey (instructions noted below):


To assist us with planning educational programs for the coming school year, we ask you to complete a short on-line survey, or "census form," to let us know your plans for your child’s school registration in the fall of 2021. Please note that your student must turn 5 years old prior to September 1, 2021 to be eligible for Kindergarten in the 2021-22 school year.

Here is the form:

Please complete the form by Friday, March 5, 2021. Thank you so much for your assistance.

YOUTH ARTS MONTH -  This is a call for students in grades K-5 to contribute an image of their artwork to a Youth Arts Month Elementary Virtual Art Exhibit. 

During this unprecedented school year, one aspect of every child’s Newton Public Schools’ education that has been missing is the opportunity to access the rich resources for creativity that is provided in each visual art classroom across our district. The elementary visual art teachers have responded to this crisis with innovative and engaging strategies to provide art-making experiences through our remote learning platforms. 

As a result, students across the district are finding ways to create in and outside their homes an array of beautifully imaginative artwork. As your Fine Arts Coordinator, one aspect of my job that I greatly miss is the opportunity to coordinate the seasonal student art exhibits and receptions at the NPS Education Center and I look forward to the day we can return to gather for these events once again. 

Many students are now accustomed to taking photos of their artwork and uploading them to their teacher’s chosen platform. 

To participate in the Youth Arts Month Elementary Virtual Art Exhibit, please follow these steps. 

  1. Images must be JPEG format.

  2. Limit 3 images per student.

  3. Provide the student’s full name, only first names will be displayed Submissions will be accepted March 1 - 26. 

The Art Exhibit video will be introduced in early March on the district website and updated each week through the end of the month. Use this link to submit artwork:

I look forward to receiving your contributions to this Youth Arts Month Virtual Art Exhibit. Sincerely, Richard P. King Fine Arts Coordinator K-8

SEPAC Presentation -  Please join Newton SEPAC for a presentation on:

Basic Rights under Special Education Laws

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Where: Zoom (link below)

Presented by:

Leslie Lockhart, Mass Advocates for Children

Please join us on Tuesday, March 2, at 7:30 pm, for a presentation and discussion about student and family basic rights under special education laws and regulations. 

Whether you're new to the world of special education or a seasoned (scarred?) special education parent, there are always new and helpful insights from each Basic Rights presentation!

We're excited to have Leslie Lockhart as our presenter. Leslie is the Mass Advocates for Children’s Helpline Coordinator. She was also a founding member and driving force of the original Newton SEPAC. 

Zoom meeting information:

Topic: Newton SEPAC - March 2nd Presentation

Time: Mar 2, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 985 3829 1113

Passcode: 457897

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,98538291113#,,,,*457897# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,98538291113#,,,,*457897# US (New York)


Newton Theater Company Presents a Medal for Willie - Saturday, February 27th at 8pm 



Join us for a virtual production of William Branch’s A Medal for Willie, a powerful play which examines the intersection of segregation and racism during a time when both were permitted to flourish. Set in a small town during the Jim Crow era with eerily contemporary parallels, A Medal for Willie serves as a reminder that bias and supremacy must always be challenged and that change can occur in even the smallest pockets of our society.

The play will be followed by an audience Q&A, with a panel of the cast, directors, and members of Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ). 

After the show, please stay for a talkback conversation facilitated by FORJ. We will explore the themes of bias, prejudice, and structural racism embedded within the play and confront its modern-day relevance. Theater offers a compelling and interesting vehicle for us to delve into challenging conversations with honesty and bravery. It is our hope that this talkback conversation is engaging, thought-provoking, and furthers our understanding of how we can interrupt the corrosive effects of racism.  


This production is made possible by a generous grant from the Harmony Foundation, and is being produced in partnership with Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton. We are grateful to both of these organizations for their support. 

February 25th School Committee Meeting Recap - Below is a link to the recording from our meeting with School Committee members and Superintendent David Fleishman.

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing... below are a few themes that came up:

  • Several parents expressed concerns about the future of the HM facility and any plans to renovate.  SC members expressed a willingness to have a smaller meeting to talk with parents interested in continuing the conversation about the facility.  Parents also expressed concern about HM's place in the city's CIP (Capital Improvement Plan).


  • We talked a lot about the recent news from DESE regarding upcoming changes to our learning model.  The state of MA will soon require all K-5 students to be in person 5 days per week starting in early April.  Below are some additional thoughts that came up on this topic:

    • We are working on a plan to combine cohorts for late March/early April. All students would attend school 5 days per week (we still don't know the parameters: end of day, will we serve lunch?, etc.)

    • Teachers and administrators are working together to plan the next version of what school will look like.

    • We will continue to have a DLA program.  We aren't sure if or how much movement between the DLA and In-Person models will be possible.

    • Specials (Library, Art, Music, PE) will still be remote. Teacher schedules are intertwined with DLA which limits changes to any special program we might offer.

    • We talked about the impact on combining cohorts: Families acknowledged significant stress/anxiety at home and hope this change will be positive for students struggling with remote learning.  It may also be hard for students who have thrived with small group learning.

    • I am in regular contact with DAD about the changes and we will work together to keep families in mind about after-care needs.

    • MCAS will take place this year, although the test is shorter.  We are trying to minimize anxiety around taking this test.

    • A few parents wondered about creating more partnerships with nearby colleges to help support students.

    • We have two situations (Sandison Grade 2/3 split and Thorne Grade 1 DLA/Hybrid) that will require additional thinking and creativity with regard to this schedule change.  Mark will schedule meetings with those families prior to any changes taking place.

If I missed anything, I will be writing to all of you again as we have further developments on our changing model.  I know that the district will be communicating changes as well.

Thanks and have a good weekend!

Mark Nardelli

Friday, February 12, 2021

NewsNotes 2/12/2021

 Dear HM Families,

ESSENTIAL INFO: In the interest of making things more accessible, I’ve highlighted key info here:

Virtual Science Night - Enjoy a night of VIRTUAL science fun on Friday, 7 p.m., February 26, 2021.

Schedule Change - Due to the Special City Election on Tuesday, March 16th, we need to switch the in-person day for Cohort A. Cohort A will attend in person on Wednesday, March 17th, instead of Tuesday. They will follow their Wednesday remote schedule on Tuesday, March 16th.

Horace Mann Annual PTO Meeting with Superintendent David Fleishman and the Newton School Committee

On Thursday, February 25th at 9:00 AM, Principal Mark Nardelli, Superintendent David Fleishman, and members of the Newton School Committee will offer a chance to hear about school district news as well as recent updates about Horace Mann. If you are interested in attending, here is the Zoom link:

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 245 437 0913

Passcode: Hawks

DETAILED UPDATES:  If you would like more detail about what’s been happening at school, feel free to read the rest of the updates below:

Happy Lunar New Year! - The Lunar New Year, most commonly associated with the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, typically falls sometime between January 21 and February 20. This year, Lunar New Year is on February 12, and in terms of the Chinese zodiac animal, it's the Year of the Ox.  China, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore and many Asian countries celebrate the Lunar New Year as national holidays. This list includes many families from our own community here at Horace Mann.  

If you are interested in learning more, below are a few links/resources:

Grade Level Learning Times in Grades 3-5 - Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve gotten feedback from both students and parents about the guided learning times in our upper grades.  Based on this feedback, we’ve made the following clarifications and adjustments:

Students are expected to have cameras on during these sessions.

Many students need this time to complete their assignments. Adults will create breakout rooms so that students working on similar assignments can work on items together. 

Adults will also be taking time to check in with individual students and to help groups of students with any work related questions.

For students who have completed their work, the supervising adults will also offer interactive games on related subjects.  For example, in 3rd grade math today, we worked on area and perimeter using some online games.

Elementary Forum - Supporting Your Child in the 2020-21 School Year

If you missed the recent forum on how to support your child during this school year, the video has been made available for viewing. Click this link to view a video recording of the panel presentation.

The Work and Challenges of Being Anti-Racist: A Virtual Event with Dr. Edward Fergus and NPS Leaders

On Wednesday, Feb. 24th at 7:00pm, join the Newton Public Schools in a discussion led by Dr. Edward Fergus, author of Solving Disproportionality and Achieving Equity: A Leader's Guide to Using Data to Change Hearts and Minds to discuss these challenges and how to overcome barriers in implementing change in the practice of equity. Joined by a panel of NPS leaders, we will share some of the opportunities and obstacles that face us as we strive to be a more equitable and just district for all. Advance registration is required.

Register here

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

NewsNotes 2/1/2020

Thanks to everyone who participated in our January Hawk Hunt!  Thanks to the Zimmer family for the inspiration;  we had a lot of fun setting it up,  and it was great to see so many smiles!  If you'd like to see some of the posts, you can check out this Padlet:

ESSENTIAL INFO: In the interest of making things more accessible, I’ve highlighted key info here:

Progress Reports - Will be available ONLINE on February 10th.  You will receive an email with directions for accessing the report.  

Virtual Science Night - Enjoy a night of VIRTUAL science fun on Friday, 7 p.m., February 26, 2021.

To participate, please submit a short video of your work by Friday, February 12.

DETAILED UPDATES:  If you would like more detail about what’s been happening at school, feel free to read the rest of the updates below:

Reporting on Student Progress - Student Progress Reports will be released online on February 10th. The 2021 Progress Report is intended to communicate expectations for each grade level on both the academic and social aspects of school.  Progress report standards haven’t been modified for this year, however, our experience with the children this far indicates that progress may look different for each child as they have been impacted by Covid-19 and the current learning models in varied ways.  Below are a few things to think about as you anticipate your child’s progress report:

Teachers will assess progress towards learning goals primarily based on data and observations on work done in school as well as remote learning.  

If a child is making solid progress towards benchmarks on a standard, the teacher will indicate that using a score of “3”.

If your child receives a “2,” we are monitoring their progress and providing support towards their growth.

A score of “N/A” will be used to indicate standards that have either not yet been a focus of instruction or areas where we do not have sufficient data to report for an individual child due to attendance limitations.   

We intend that this progress report will be a useful tool for the conversations you will have with your child’s teacher as we transition into the second half of this school year.  If you are concerned about your child’s scores, your first step is to contact your child’s teacher.  

Black History Month - Each February, Black History Month celebrates the contributions that African Americans have made to American history in their struggles for freedom and equality and deepens our understanding of our Nation's history.  

At Horace Mann, we feel that it is important to review and adjust our curriculum on a regular basis to incorporate multiple perspectives into the various concepts that we teach.  This means looking at historical events using primary sources, highlighting accomplishments by individuals of color, among other things. At our February staff meeting, we will be providing teachers with time to review resources and explore additional curriculum activities that go beyond the month of February.

For more information about the origin of Black History Month, click here:

Another part of our efforts to create an inclusive school is to create opportunities for families to engage in dialogue about a variety of topics. 

Below are two events that you may be interested in.  One took place last week. The other is sponsored by FORJ and is a pilot for our school, beginning with 3rd grade families.  If all goes well, we will expand the idea to other grades.

Talking to Kids About Race and Racism: A Conversation with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum

Last week, Dr. Beverly Tatum took part in a dialogue focused on talking to children about race and racism.  For those of you who were unable to attend the session last week,  a recording is now available on YouTube. Please feel free to check it out and/orshare it with others.

Below are also some helpful resources Dr. Tatum referenced in her conversation:

Multicultural and social justice books for children, young adults, and educators - Social Justice Books

Is My Skin Brown Because I Drank Chocolate Milk? | Beverly Daniel Tatum | TEDxStanford - YouTube

Back to School 2020: Building Community for Connection and Learning | Facing History and Ourselves

Teaching Tolerance | Diversity, Equity and Justice Resources for Teachers

Biased by Jennifer L. Eberhardt, PhD |

Parenting 4 Social Justice | Green Writers Press (publication date March 23, 2021)

3rd Grade Family Event - On Thursday, February 11th from 7:00-8:30 PM, FORJ will be hosting an evening Zoom event for all our 3rd grade students and families.  

For this event, we will show a video titled That’s a Family to introduce the idea that there are many different ways that families live and love.  In this video, children talk about their families and the kinds of things they like to do together (cooking, bowling, gardening).  There are sections on mixed families (in terms of ethnicity, religion, language and race), divorce, lesbian and gay parents, single parents, grandparents and guardians.   We will also watch a short segment about a Horace Mann family.

I’ve provided a link to the trailer, if you would like a preview of the material:

This program aligns with our school-wide goals, which:

Promote greater understanding of and respect for differences.

  • Serve as a tool for education about family diversity.
  • Reflect a more accurate and balanced picture of what families look like than is often presented in classroom curricula and in the media.
  • Use the metaphor of “windows and mirrors” as a way of thinking about how families are similar to or different from their own.
  • Ensure that every student—regardless of what kind of family to which he or she belongs—is safe, respected and able to receive an education free from prejudice.

This event is intended for 3rd grade caregivers and children and there will be time for discussion and conversation in small groups.  

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 245 437 0913

Passcode: Hawks

Lunar New Year - The Lunar New Year, most commonly associated with the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, typically falls sometime between January 21 and February 20. This year, Lunar New Year is on February 12, and in terms of the Chinese zodiac animal, it's the Year of the Ox.  China, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore and many Asian countries celebrate the Lunar New Year as national holidays. This list includes many families from our own community here at Horace Mann.  

If you are interested in learning more, below are a few links/resources:

Facility Ventilation Action Plan Update - Throughout the fall the city has been conducting assessments to verify that airflow exchange in classrooms meets identified standards.  The following web page provides information about this process for the district as a whole:

Here is also a link to the results of the Horace Mann Ventilation Dashboard.