Dear Horace Mann Families,
Below is the latest facilities update. As always, our goal is to keep families and members of the community informed about progress on our facility improvements.
Horace Mann Facilities UPDATE - 12/22/2019
Modular Classrooms:
Playground: Our first meeting took place this past Thursday, December 17th from 3-4pm. We discussed options for expanding and improving our playground space and a greed upon the following:
Interior Work: As Lisa Moore moves out to the modular classroom, we will have an opportunity to make her classroom larger. To make this happen, we need to relocate some wiring and network cables, and we need to remove a wall. We will do the wiring during December break, and complete the takedown of the wall during February break. In the end, we will relocate a 4th grade classroom to this newly enlarged space (hopefully take place a week or two after the February break).
If you have questions at any time about the work that is taking place, you should contact me directly at
Interior Work: As we move classrooms into the mods, the next step will be to create some breathing room for other classrooms on the 2nd floor. Right now, we are exploring options that will require additional interior work to be done prior to the February break. I will share more definitive news when it becomes clear that our plan will be feasible from a design and engineering standpoint. I will also notify the classrooms impacted by these changes.
If you have questions at any time about the work that is taking place, you should contact me directly at
Below is the latest facilities update. As always, our goal is to keep families and members of the community informed about progress on our facility improvements.
Facilities UPDATE 1/5/2020
- As of today, we have completed tile installation in all classrooms on the second floor and almost all of the rooms on the first floor. I would anticipate that the entire classroom acoustic work will be done by the end of this week. We will still need to address the cafeteria and the music room, which will happen later this spring or this summer.
Modular Classrooms:
- Electrical power has been connected to the cafeteria modular. Data lines are being run today. Electrical power is being connected to the library mod today as well.
- Decking has been begun for the cafeteria mod. Here’s a photo:
- Work on the library mod deck starts this week.
Interior Work:
As Lisa Moore moves out to the modular classroom, we will have an opportunity to make her classroom larger. To make this happen, we need to relocate some wiring/network cables and a projector, and we need to remove a portion of the wall between 200 and 202. The wiring and relocating of the projector took place during the break. Some lighting and wiring was also done in Room 202. The complete takedown of the wall will happen during February break. In the end, we will relocate a 4th grade classroom to this newly enlarged space (hopefully take place a week or two after the February break).
Playground: Our first meeting took place on Thursday, December 17th from 3-4pm. We discussed options for expanding and improving our playground space and agreed upon the following:
- We will likely leave the existing structures in place. However, a priority will be to add shade to this area (hopefully this spring).
- We are planning to add a second play structure area (separate from the existing playground). This second area would be located under the trees in place of the currently existing swing sets near the Gaga pit.
- Over the break, we are going to look at structures from a variety of vendors. All of the designs we look at will be geared towards providing upper elementary students with age appropriate equipment.
- We will also look at options for outdoor equipment that children can use to build and be creative.
- Our goal will be to install the new playground structure this summer.
- Based on conversations with teachers and city staff, we’ve modified the design for our water/sink stations along the second floor hallway. We will now have four (4) stations that are logically spread out along the length of the hallway.
- These stations will allow students to wash hands, fill water bottles and allow grade 3-5 teachers to access a water supply for the science curriculum.
- We are currently in the design phase of this work. Due to the scope of the work, we anticipate that two of the four stations could be installed during the February break, while the other two stations would be installed this summer.
Horace Mann Facilities UPDATE - 12/22/2019
- Since the last update, we’ve made tremendous progress on our classroom acoustic upgrades. As of Friday, December 20th, we have completed tile installation in all classrooms on the second floor.
- Work on the first floor will begin during the December break. Four days of work are scheduled next week. We will continue after the break as necessary.
- Contractors from Vanguard have been meticulous in their preparation, construction and clean up procedures. Classrooms have been consistently found in pristine condition in the day following the installation. We’ve been very impressed with their efforts thus far.
- The impact on the classroom environment has been significant. Teachers and students have unanimously shared how positive they feel about the improvements. Rooms are quieter, small groups can talk without being heard across the room, snack time conversations don’t reverberate, buddy classes can do partner reading, etc. The tiles has made a huge difference in our daily experience. Staff are truly appreciative of the efforts the city has put forth to take care of this issue.
Modular Classrooms:
- Two modular classrooms arrived this week and have been installed in their intended locations.
- Electrical work began immediately. We also finalized plans for installing necessary networking and other essential features (security, fire, etc.). We also finalized the plans for entry decking and ramps.
- We’ve announced the decision to have two 5th grade classrooms move into the mods. We had a consultant come into the modulars this week to meet with Mr. Feldstein and Ms. Moore. With their input, the consultant will create classroom layouts during the break with recommendations for various needs (storage, lockers/cubbies, etc.) so we can order any needed items.
- Assuming all goes as planned, Mr. Feldstein and Ms. Moore will be ready to move in during the February break.
Playground: Our first meeting took place this past Thursday, December 17th from 3-4pm. We discussed options for expanding and improving our playground space and a greed upon the following:
- We will likely leave the existing structures in place. However, we would like to explore adding more shade to this area.
- We are planning to add a second play structure area (separate from the existing playground). This second area would be located under the trees in place of the currently existing swing sets near the Gaga pit.
- Over the break, we are going to look at structures from a variety of vendors. All of the designs we look at will be geared towards providing upper elementary students with age appropriate equipment.
- We will also look at options for outdoor equipment that children can use to build and be creative.
- Our goal will be to install the new playground structure this summer.
- Based on conversations with teachers and city staff, we’ve modified the design for our water/sink stations along the second floor hallway. We will now have four (4) stations that are logically spread out along the length of the hallway.
- These stations will allow students to wash hands, fill water bottles and allow grade 3-5 teachers to access a water supply for the science curriculum.
- We are currently in the design phase of this work. Due to the scope of the work, we anticipate that two of the four stations could be installed during the February break, while the other two stations would be installed this summer.
Interior Work: As Lisa Moore moves out to the modular classroom, we will have an opportunity to make her classroom larger. To make this happen, we need to relocate some wiring and network cables, and we need to remove a wall. We will do the wiring during December break, and complete the takedown of the wall during February break. In the end, we will relocate a 4th grade classroom to this newly enlarged space (hopefully take place a week or two after the February break).
If you have questions at any time about the work that is taking place, you should contact me directly at
UPDATE - 12/8/2019
Facilities Update:
I know that in recent weeks we’ve had a fair amount of information to share about improvements to our facilities, with multiple updates going out to the community regarding these efforts. As we move into the next phase of the work, we’ve developed a plan to streamline our communication and feedback channels:
A. Oversight Committee: The Horace Mann Elementary School has established a committee of parents and staff to oversee the short term renovation work, including installation of modular classrooms, acoustical tiles, and sinks, as well as additional interior work. We view this group’s role as critical to maintaining open lines of communication and fostering transparency and integrity as we move forward.
The Oversight Committee is comprised of the following members: Principal Mark Nardelli, Executive Assistant Rose Mariano, Head Custodian Kathy Hylander; Teachers Emily Bard, Maureen Berardi, Melissa Chatfield, Mike Feldstein, Lisa Moore; Parents Chris Esmonde, Megan Anapolle, Julia Gaebler, Michael Haueisen, Mike Fiorillo, and Alec Zimmer.
B. Timely Communication: The Superintendent’s office, facilities officials, HM staff, and parents will collaborate to send out updates to the community in a cohesive way. These messages will come out every two weeks either as an email blast or in our regular NewsNotes. In addition, we will post the updates to a new blog site that can be reached by clicking here: RENOVATIONS at 225 NEVADA
We hope that this will be a clear and reliable way for members of the community to keep informed about our renovation progress.
Below is the update for December 8th, 2019:
Playground: Our first meeting was postponed due to the snow storm this past week. We have tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, December 17th at 3:00pm. Members of the playground committee are Cedar Pruitt, Jenna Ceddia, Wendy Vietor, Christina and Karl Abele, and Stephanie Lapham (Parks and Rec) .
Modular Classrooms:
Facilities Update:
I know that in recent weeks we’ve had a fair amount of information to share about improvements to our facilities, with multiple updates going out to the community regarding these efforts. As we move into the next phase of the work, we’ve developed a plan to streamline our communication and feedback channels:
A. Oversight Committee: The Horace Mann Elementary School has established a committee of parents and staff to oversee the short term renovation work, including installation of modular classrooms, acoustical tiles, and sinks, as well as additional interior work. We view this group’s role as critical to maintaining open lines of communication and fostering transparency and integrity as we move forward.
The Oversight Committee is comprised of the following members: Principal Mark Nardelli, Executive Assistant Rose Mariano, Head Custodian Kathy Hylander; Teachers Emily Bard, Maureen Berardi, Melissa Chatfield, Mike Feldstein, Lisa Moore; Parents Chris Esmonde, Megan Anapolle, Julia Gaebler, Michael Haueisen, Mike Fiorillo, and Alec Zimmer.
B. Timely Communication: The Superintendent’s office, facilities officials, HM staff, and parents will collaborate to send out updates to the community in a cohesive way. These messages will come out every two weeks either as an email blast or in our regular NewsNotes. In addition, we will post the updates to a new blog site that can be reached by clicking here: RENOVATIONS at 225 NEVADA
We hope that this will be a clear and reliable way for members of the community to keep informed about our renovation progress.
Below is the update for December 8th, 2019:
Playground: Our first meeting was postponed due to the snow storm this past week. We have tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, December 17th at 3:00pm. Members of the playground committee are Cedar Pruitt, Jenna Ceddia, Wendy Vietor, Christina and Karl Abele, and Stephanie Lapham (Parks and Rec) .
- As previously mentioned, we have decided to move ahead with installation of 5 water/sink stations along the second floor hallway.
- These stations will allow students to wash hands during the day and will also allow grade 3-5 teachers to access a water supply for the science curriculum.
- We are currently in the design phase of this work. An outside contractor is analyzing the design and engineering concerns related to water supply and drainage. We expect design results within the next couple of weeks. Once we determine the feasibility of the plan, we will develop a more definitive timeline.
- Acoustical ceiling tiles are being delivered to a warehouse in Wilmington on Monday, December 9th. The tiles will spend several days in Wilmington as part of a standard procedure to vent odors that exist within the tiles.
- We will tentatively begin tile installation the week of December 16th. Work will take place after-school hours, on weekends, on the December break, as well as after the break.
- Total installation time will take approximately 4-6 weeks.
- Based on results from the acoustical assessment, work will begin in 2nd floor classrooms. Rooms with least optimal acoustics will be addressed first. We will then move to the music room and then to the first floor. 19 total spaces are slated for improvement.
- The contract with the installer includes a specific plan to manage any lead paint that may be present in the ceilings, in accordance with state and federal regulations. I can provide more detail about this plan for anyone who would like to see it. Just send me an email.
- Cafeteria acoustics will be addressed as a separate process. This is currently in the design phase.
- As I mentioned in my last update, two 60’x24’ modular classrooms will be installed behind the school. At this point, the mods are set to arrive sometime during the week of December 16th.
- One mod will be placed close to the rear cafeteria door. One mod will be placed near the rear entrance by the library.
- Once the mods are in place, it will take several weeks to get them ready for occupancy. We will need to connect the units to electricity and networking, build entry decking, make some changes to the parking lot area, and more.
- The final decision regarding which classrooms will occupy the mods will hinge on several variables, including the mod placement and setup, entrance and exit plans, and related interior work (see below). The goal is to improve classroom square footage for as many classrooms as possible. Once the decision is made, I will communicate directly with families impacted by the move.
Interior Work: As we move classrooms into the mods, the next step will be to create some breathing room for other classrooms on the 2nd floor. Right now, we are exploring options that will require additional interior work to be done prior to the February break. I will share more definitive news when it becomes clear that our plan will be feasible from a design and engineering standpoint. I will also notify the classrooms impacted by these changes.
If you have questions at any time about the work that is taking place, you should contact me directly at
UPDATE - 11/24/19
Modular Working Group - The modular working group met last Tuesday to talk primarily about logistics related to the addition of these two classrooms. The following people were in attendance: Ms. Moore, Ms. Bard, Ms. Berardi, Ms. Chatfield, Ms. Oldmixon, Mr. Feldstein, Ms. Hylander, Ms. Rose, Ms. Martin, Ms. Dias, and Ms. Mariano.
Without going into all the details about the conversation, I wanted to share a few key outcomes/agreements:
1) We have lots of questions about the modulars that will need to be answered, including, but not limited to:
- Will there be more than one entrance to the modulars?
- How will we plan for technology needs?
- How will the modulars be furnished?
- How will the placement of the modulars impact how we get into and out of the building?
- How will placement impact deliveries or access to the playground?
2) We are still in conversations about who will move to the modulars. Right now, we are only considering older students…likely 4th or 5th graders. We will use the empty classrooms upstairs to explore options for getting more space for other 2nd floor classrooms.
3) We would like to subdivide each modular into a large classroom space (850-900 sq. ft) and two smaller spaces: one for storage and one for office/small group space.
4) We plan to move several storage spaces on the first floor out to the modulars. By doing so, we hope to create more flexibility for our first floor classrooms while also expanding breakout space options.
None of the above is set in stone. The arrival and installation of the modulars could happen within the next few weeks, and then we will need several weeks to get them ready on the inside. I will keep you all posted as the plans for this become clearer.
Other Updates:
- Playground - I have a small group of parents and teachers who have agreed to be part of our playground working group. The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd at 7:45 am.
UPDATE - 10/27/19
- Last week we had acoustic ceiling tiles installed in a classroom on the 2nd floor. The good news is that this system seemed to work well to improve the sound quality in the room. On November 9th ( a Saturday), the city will conduct an acoustic assessment of all of the classrooms in the school. The results of these tests will be used to determine how we will proceed with additional sound improvements.
- Also, a reminder about the special meeting to discuss the issues related to our move to Nevada St. The meeting will take place on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 p.m. in the gym. Parents will have an opportunity to hear details about the current facility concerns, ask questions, and learn more about potential solutions. This is an adult only meeting.