Friday, November 13, 2020
NewsNotes 11/13/2020
Dear HM Families,
Happy Diwali to those of you celebrating this important holiday over the weekend and into next week! If you’d like to learn more about this traditional Hindu holiday, please click here:
ESSENTIAL INFO: In the interest of making things more accessible, I’ve highlighted key info here:
Thanksgiving Break Schedule
Wednesday, November 25th - NOON DISMISSAL for REMOTE and IN-PERSON Students
Thursday and Friday November 26th and 27th - NO SCHOOL
DETAILED UPDATES: If you would like more detail about what’s been happening at school, feel free to read the rest of the updates below:
Learning Model Change Requests - We have received a small number of requests to change learning models. I will be reaching out to families who made the requests next week to provide final decisions and details about the requests.
Election Follow Up - The following is the message I sent to our staff following the election results…
"This weekend brought some historic news with regard to our country and the election. In a few months we will welcome a new President. AND...I felt it was essential to recognize and acknowledge the fact that we have elected the first woman (and the first woman of color) to the office of Vice President in our country's history.
Speaking personally as we move forward, I am hoping we can tone down the animosity that has dominated our society over the past several years in favor of more civil discourse. At Horace Mann, we have always tried to foster a message of kindness, compassion, and open mindedness while celebrating the amazing diversity of our community. I hope that spirit can be renewed once again.
In addition, it is important to acknowledge that many staff and families have been under significant stress as we awaited the outcome of this election, and even now, there will be emotions in our school community. Please think about our values and use them to guide conversations with students and help them to also make space for everyone. I am again sharing the link that I shared last week, if you need some guidance on how to approach this with your class"
School District Attendance Policy - I am sharing the following document regarding Newton’s attendance policy. This includes attendance on Zooms during remote days, and more. Please review the information here:
Travel Considerations and School Attendance - Also, with holidays coming up, please be aware of travel guidelines, particularly if you decide to leave the state of Massachusetts. You can find more information here regarding those guidelines:
Embedded within you will find a link to a FORM that must be completed if you are traveling out of state and returning to school (see the site for exemptions).
Parent/Teacher Conferences - The district has designated several times for conferences later this month. Your child’s teacher will reach out to you with more specifics, but these are the times that have been set aside contractually.
Wed, Dec 2: 1:15-3:15
Mon, Dec 7: 2:00-3:15
Wed, Dec 9: 1:15-3:15
Thurs, Dec. 10: 2:00-3:15
High School/Elementary Math Tutoring Partnership - A former HM student named Andrew Jensen asked me to share some information about a free math tutoring program.
“The goal of the Infinity Squad is to build relationships with local high school students and help foster a love of math. They will work together on math games, puzzles and curriculum. Initially all programming will be held virtually. We will pair your student with a high school student and you can schedule the once/week 30 minute virtual meetings when they are most convenient for both of you.”
Enjoy your weekend!
Mark Nardelli
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