Classroom/Library Swap: I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of the staff and central office people who helped to pull off the classroom/library swap last week. We had over 60 people on hand to move books, furniture, classroom materials, technology, etc. as well as to recreate the bulletin boards, supply centers, and learning spaces that make for welcoming and productive learning spaces. Thanks also to the parents who’ve been in to help with re-organizing the library. I feel proud to say that I am a part of this team of dedicated and generous professionals. Both of the new spaces look amazing…A huge thank you to Ms. Gower and Ms. Karam as well. They’ve been flexible, positive, and open minded throughout the process.

Literacy Program Summary/Overview: Below is a summary of our school-wide approach to literacy instruction in:
grades K-3:
- We have new instruction that takes place in a whole group lesson format. This includes letter ID, phonics, comprehension strategies, etc.
- Students then are provided with small group instruction call GUIDED READING. This is typically a 20 minute period where a teacher works with groups of 3-6 students 4x per week. Students are typically grouped at a similar reading level.
- For some students additional supports are needed. We determine the level of need based on our September assessments. There are two options:
- LLI - groups of 3 students work with a teacher 5x per week for 30 minutes. (not available in K)
- Reading Recovery - 1-1 instruction with Sara McSwiggan, our Reading Recovery teacher. This is 5x per week for 30 minutes and includes a home reading component (this is available for first grade only)
Our belief is that the vast majority of our literacy supports should be allocated twoards supporting our younger students. Students develop at different rates and often respond to systematic and intensives supports that set them up for great success in their later elementary school years. I will provide an overview of our grade 4-5 literacy program in the next NewsNotes.
Curriculum/Back To School Night:
Curriculum Night will take place this Thursday, September 29th. We encourage everyone to attend for several reasons. You will have a chance to...
- learn about the beliefs that guide our work here at Horace Mann.
- hear from the PTO about how you can contribute and be involved in your child’s school
- learn about our various programs like Title 1, CAS, and Understanding Our Differences.
- gain insight about the academic and social curriculum connected to your child’s classroom experience.
Below is the format for this year's Curriculum Night. Please note that we will have childcare available. Day After Day staff have offered to supervise children during the evening. We will also have an option to eat dinner (pizza) prior to the event.
- 5:30 pm - Pizza and childcare in the Day After Day space AND open time to meet specialists (art, music, service providers, etc. ), pay dues, sign up for committees
- 6:00 pm - PTO/Principal Presentation
- 6:45 pm - K-5 Classroom presentations
- 7:30 pm - End of Back to School Night/Childcare pickup
Please click the following link to sign up for childcare and/or pizza:
- I did a quick inspection of the playground last week with a rep from Newton’s Parks And Rec Department. We found a few issues that need to be addressed and this week, we expect to tighten up and replace any loose or missing components. We do not feel that there are any immediate safety concerns.
- Our staff also met last week to share observations and gather input from students to help us make recommendations for how we could improve safety during recess. Taking into account the guidelines provided by the playground manufacturer and by the city, we are committed to providing students with a recess experience that is not overly prescriptive or rigid with regard to rules. We did, however make the following recommendations:
- Students may not play TAG or engage in any rough play on any part of the new structure.
- Students must slide all the way down the slides (and not climb them).
CAP Program: Each year Child Assault Prevention (CAP) Specialists come to the elementary schools to teach children vital skills to help them stay SAFE, STRONG and FREE. CAP will be conducting kindergarten, second and fifth grades workshops at Horace Mann School in December.
So that you can learn more about this program, we invite you to attend the Child Assault Prevention Program parent meeting on Wed., Oct. 26, 2016 at Cabot School from 7-8 p.m. Alternatively, you are welcome to join us at Bowen School’s parent meeting on Fri. October 7, 8:45 -9:45 a.m. in the cafeteria.
More information will be sent home in the coming weeks.