Friday, October 14th, 6:00-7:30PM
Horace Mann Gymnasium
The gym is transformed into a global fair with tables, hosted by HM families, to celebrate their
countries OR countries they are interested in and have chosen so that people can learn more.
Tables have food, activities and cultural items from many countries around the world. Children are
given a “passport” so that they visit all the countries and earn a prize!
How can you participate?
1. Host a table! Celebrate your heritage OR choose a country of interest and sign up to host! Co-
hosting with friends or other Horace Mann parents is fine too. Simply click the link to the google
doc below and sign up! Also Attached is few tips for the event. It is FUN to host and usually very
popular. Be prepared to share a table with someone!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V_94ULYTqiUb_bHE_HMHKjPktDtPtzd70RSu9ZvJIgk/edit?usp=sh aring
2. Be a guest and simply visit the tables and sample the food offerings!
We hope to have an evening filled with music, food, artifacts, culture, and fun for all! Looking forward to seeing you all.
Table Tips & Food Guidelines
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V_94ULYTqiUb_bHE_HMHKjPktDtPtzd70RSu9ZvJIgk/edit?usp=sh aring
2. Be a guest and simply visit the tables and sample the food offerings!
We hope to have an evening filled with music, food, artifacts, culture, and fun for all! Looking forward to seeing you all.
Table Tips & Food Guidelines
Food guidelines
If you have questions, please contact Manisha Trivedi (mtrivedi036@gmail.com) or Kristen (kristen.gleason@gmail.com) Come and join the fun!