Professional Development Groups for Teachers - As I mentioned at Curriculum Night, staff professional development this year will focus on efforts to build connections with students and families, with the overall goal of expanding our capacity to provides students with an equitable educational experience. Here are the topics teachers have chosen:
- Building diverse classroom libraries
- Advocating for building accessibility
- Developing classroom lessons related to diversity, race, and equity
- Planning Family Engagement Events
- Strategies for including children who look/act differently
Understanding Our Differences - This week, 5th graders took part in learning about Autism as part of our UOD program. Students got an overview of the characteristics associated with Autism and also engaged in an exercise that emphasized the challenges of reading non-verbal social cues. They watched a video and had a visit from an adult with Autism, all of whom described their experiences in school and in life. Thanks to the parents who volunteered their time to be part of this program.
“I AM FROM” - A selection of students in 5th grade shared a portion of their “I Am From” poems at our all-school assembly on Friday. Each year, some of our 5th grade students write these poems as part of an effort to share what makes each of us unique…here are a few samples...
- I am from the barnacles that cover the damp rocks on the beaches of Maine and the bustling streets of Manhattan whose livelihood is my second home. I am from the honking of India where bony stray dogs pace viciously back and forth in search of food. I am from the great lakes of Michigan, where my heart still remains. - Arushi
- I am from polychromatic carved Norwegian figurines, each old and unique and hosts a tale as old as time itself. I am from the looseness of my muscles after jumping into a split, my toes pointed like the arrows on a compass. - Maddie
- I am afrom a family who is screaming at the top of their lungs at the TV screen when they watch a special event like the Superbowl or World Cup. I am from soccer heroes like Messi, Neymar, Ronaldo, Pele. - Victor
- I am from pirouettes to leaps on the sooth dance floor. I am from magical voices coming out of a piano. I am from flipping pages of magic and adventure. - Lorene
- I am from muchas gracias and Spanish songs in the car. I am from a quaint neighborhood in Guatemala with flowering trees and my grandmother waiting with tasty food for me. -Chris
- I am from a picture of my family taken in the past, seen in the present, and forgotten in the future, but most of all I am from a family that’s future is still unclear but will always love me. - Angela
50th Anniversary of the Metco Program - NPR is doing a series on their All Things Considered show on the METCO program. Today they featured two Newton students. Here’s a link to the program
High School Start Time - Recently, families received an email from the superintendent detailing Newton’s work on high school start times. This fall, the district is asking for your thoughts on the benefits and costs of moving the high school start time later, as well as feedback on several potential scenarios. Some scenarios change only the high school hours, while others impact our school and others in the district.
How Was Your Day at School? - I know firsthand how challenging it can be for parents to find out how your child’s day at school went; here’s an article that offers suggestions on how to get your children to open up. Enjoy.