Fitness For Life: Thanks once again to David Tynes for another amazing Fitness for Life event. This includes preparing all of the materials, creating new games and challenges, building classroom schedules, organizing volunteers, packing the truck and more...all while fasting! Thankfully, the weather was cooperative and contributed to a day with lots of smiling faces and few meltdowns. Thanks also to teachers and assistants for running activities, leading students from station to station, managing conflict, and even joining in on a few events. Finally, thank you to all of the parents and caregivers for being part of this community effort. This includes cheering on the kids, organizing supplies, running the grills, helping with the clean up efforts, recycling water bottles, packing and unpacking the truck, and more.
Staffing Announcements: I have a number of things to share with regard to staffing for next year…
- As many of you heard earlier this week, Jenny McGowan will be taking a position with the Dedham Public Schools where she will work to foster inclusive practices within the field of special education. For those of you who have had the opportunity to work with Jenny, you know the loss this represents for our school. As a special educator, inclusion facilitator, and team specialist at Horace Mann, Jenny has been a true champion of inclusion. She has a deep understanding of a wide range of student needs, works extremely hard to foster inclusive practices and set high expectations, and believes that the foundation of our work in schools is to build relationships with staff and families. I will personally miss her sense of humor, her ability to see multiple perspectives in every situation, her common sense approach to problem solving, her emotional intelligence, her thoughtfulness, and her drive to ensure that students with disabilities have access to the best possible programming and are treated with dignity and respect. Please join me in thanking Jenny for her dedication to our school.
- Tracey Spence, ELL teacher at Horace Mann for the past four years has decided to take on a new challenge at the Bigelow Middle School where she will use her skills and her innovative ideas to expand programming for a burgeoning ELL population. I appreciate Tracey’s support for families, her honest and direct approach to problem solving, her ability to collaborate with many different teachers, and her high expectations for students. Best wishes next year. On a related note, Barbara Kwan, ELL teacher at Franklin the last four years, will be joining our team in Tracey’s place. Barbara has met our current ELL team, toured the school, and spent some time talking to me. Barbara is highly regarded within the ELL department and we all feel positive about this addition to our school.
- Amy Conley, co-taught teacher in 4th grade, recently shared that she will be moving to Seattle this summer as part of a new job opportunity for her husband. We’ve been fortunate over the past couple of years to have Amy’s contributions; she is caring, attentive to detail, effective in managing a variety of student challenges, and a wonderful co-teaching partner. We wish Amy the best of luck in her new start on the West Coast. Directly connected to Amy’s departure was the need to find a new co-taught teacher partner for our 4th grade team. I am pleased to announce that Lauren Fischer will be moving from 1st grade into the co-taught teaching role. Lauren and Maureen have worked together in the past and are excited about the chance to collaborate again. Congratulations to Lauren!
- I am happy to say that our intervention work in both literacy and in the social-emotional realm has led to greater success in providing students with the instruction and services they need before getting to a place where they require services through special education. Unfortunately, because we have fewer students taking advantage of special ed services as a result of our interventions, we’ve had to reduce our learning center allocation. I am officially sharing that Katie Deehan will be staying on to provide our learning center services. Her background in specialized instruction as well as her previous experience as an inclusion facilitator gives us flexibility in servicing a wide range of student needs across learning center, inclusion and cohort. In addition, Lucy Couture, who has provided support and care to a great number of colleagues, children and families over the past 11 years will be moving on from Horace Mann. Fortunately, Lucy will have the opportunity to bring her compassion, her dedication, and her strong work ethic to the Cabot Elementary School where she will be starting a new chapter as the special educator in a 4th grade co-taught classroom at Cabot this fall. I know that many of the children will miss Lucy’s warmth, her encouragement, and her genuine efforts to help students succeed. Best wishes to Lucy at Cabot next year.
- The last announcement of this edition of NewsNotes is also significant for our community. Billy Brady has decided to end his tenure working as the night custodian, where he has been for over 20 years. For anyone who knows Billy at all, you know that he hates attention of any kind and he dreaded having to inform me of this decision. When he came to me to share his news, he made me promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone about his decision until after his last day. Obviously, I agreed. So…unfortunately, I share that Billy’s last day at HM was this past Friday, June 9th. As you can imagine, Billy does not want a party or public speeches, or recognition of any kind. Having said that, we will find a way to share our appreciation for Billy in a way that he can manage. Billy will sorely be missed at HM. His good sense of humor, his willingness to stay late or open doors during vacations, his patience, his thoughtfulness, his efforts to do anything for anyone…what more can I say? Billy has a heart of gold and will be very hard to replace...
Message from Elissa Matloff, our School Nurse:
Medication Pick-up: Parents of students who have medication stored in the health room should pick it up by the last day of school, June 23. All medication (pills, epi-pens, inhalers, etc.) not picked up will be discarded. Please plan ahead to pick medication up so it is not wasted! Medication may not be carried home by the student -- it must be picked up by an adult. School nurses will not be available after June 23 to return medication to families.
Medication Order Reminder: All medication orders expire at the end of the school year. If you are visiting your child’s health care provider during the summer, consider requesting a new medication order for your child. All medication, prescription or over-the-counter, requires an order. The Medication Permission Form and the Medication Policy are both available online at
West Nile Virus and Lyme Disease Prevention: Mosquito and tick-borne diseases like West Nile Virus and Lyme disease occur in Newton residents. Take steps to avoid getting sick! · Mosquito repellant not only works for mosquitoes, but helps repel ticks as well. Use a repellant with DEET, and follow label instructions for concentrations appropriate for children. · Avoid being outdoors during peak mosquito hours, particularly once West Nile Virus has been detected in the mosquito population. · Remove containers around your home (tires, kid pools, pots, tarps) that could allow mosquitoes to breed. · Check your body for ticks after being outdoors and remove them immediately to avoid disease transmission.
Shoo the flu! Seasonal influenza vaccine will be offered this fall during the school day to students and employees. The flu shot (no FluMist again this year, based on current recommendations) will be available to all students in Kindergarten through grade 12, by parental consent only. Consent and screening forms will be posted at by early September, in preparation for the fall clinics. Insurance information will be requested, but all students are welcome to receive the vaccine at no charge.
The flu clinic date for Horace Mann will be October 13th. Forms (available in Sept.) will be due to the school nurse by October 11th. This schedule is confirmed unless the flu vaccine supply is delayed, in which case the school nurse will notify families of an alternative date once the vaccine arrives.
Have a happy and healthy summer! |