Horace Mann Adult Read Aloud Event!
When: Thursday, March 22nd
- 5:45-6:15 Pizza for families (provided by PTO)
- 6:15-7:45 Adult Workshop (Childcare for students)
Where: Horace Mann School
What: Horace Mann staff will read a diverse collection of stories that address a variety of topics including world cultures, anxiety, disabilities, gender stereotypes, race, privilege, and more. After hearing one or more stories, a staff member will lead a discussion geared towards helping families read and talk with children about these topics at home.
To Attend, Please Register At:
Book list so far (more titles to come):
Dear Willie Rudd
My Brother Charlie
Same, Same But Different
After the Fall
Sparkle Boy
Last Stop on Market Street
Each Kindness
Ugly Vegetables
My Brother Charlie
Same, Same But Different
After the Fall
Sparkle Boy
Last Stop on Market Street
Each Kindness
Ugly Vegetables
Staff Readers (so far)
Mr. Feldstein, Ms. Rosen, Ms. Goldstein, Ms. Akdag, Ms. Karam, Ms. Oldmixon