Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Blue Zone Update

I am writing to you with some updated information about our BLUE ZONE processes.  Please read carefully.

MORNING DROP OFF - The Blue Zone is for live drop off only.  Please DO NOT park your car in the BLUE ZONE.  DO NOT leave your car unattended during the morning drop off times.   If you would like to walk your child to class, please park your car in a designated parking spot or on a side street. 

AFTERNOON PICKUP - In the afternoon, the BLUE ZONE is shared by buses, vans and family vehicles.  Parents may park and leave their car to pick up their child from the rear entrance (K-2).  However, you MAY NOT DOUBLE PARK.  Also, DO NOT PARK on the GRASSY AREA next to the brook.

We have requested more frequent presence from the Newton Police and they will be issuing tickets for violation of these rules.

Thank you for your cooperation.  Please keep in mind that these rules are in place for the safety of the children who are entering and exiting the building each day.

Mark Nardelli