February 24, 2019
In this issue: |
From Principal Nardelli |
Dear HM Families,
I hope you all had a good week off. The Nardelli’s had a busy but resftul week. Prior to the break, my wife Christine took Alora to a gymnastics competition in Orlando, Florida, where she competed against gymnasts from around the country. The rest of us (me, Eliana (16), Julia (14), and Vincent (3)), stayed home. We tried to keep busy locally…ice skating, attending the Lunar New Year in Chinatown, LegoLand, board games, indoor play-spaces, and lots of playtime in the snow. I attached a few photos... I know that for me I am trying to stave off the stress that I feel coming around a number of things...the big school move, a tough flu season, a busy March schedule at home and at work, etc. I hope everyone at your home is healthy and perhaps not quite so busy...
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Nevada St. Update
Getting to and From the Nevada St. Location - I’ve met with city reps several times during the month of February to discuss upcoming plans for getting to and from the Nevada St. Building. At this point, we have a draft plan for two items:
Nevada St. Open House - We are offering families a chance to see our new home on Saturday, March 30th from 9:00am-12:00 pm. We will have a reception area set up in the cafeteria, and self guided tours of the building. All are welcome.
Parent/Teacher Conferences - The second round of conferences will be coming up in a couple of weeks. The window will run from mid-March through early April. Please be on the lookout soon for an opportunity to schedule a conversation with your child’s teacher.
Horace Mann Annual Report Card - Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they are doing in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families how our school is doing in different areas. A link to our school’s report card is available at http://reportcards.doe.mass.edu/2018/02070075.
FORJ Discussion Group - Parents and caregivers are invited to come to Horace Mann on Tuesday, March 5th at 7pm to learn more about Haiti, past and present; our local Haitian community; and ways to support children and families with Haitian heritage.
Through our focus on this country and culture, we expect to cultivate deeper understanding and appreciation of many other countries and cultures that are currently marginalized. As always, our goal is that by increasing our own knowledge, we can be better navigate conversations with our children about racial justice.
Though it is not required, if you have time, please listen to the TED Talk The Danger of the Single Story in advance - https//www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story
Our school discussion group builds on the mission of FORJ (Families Organizing for Racial Justice) and is for adults only. Childcare is not available.
This discussion will be led by parents Renande Loayza and Kate Carpenter Bernier.
Please reach out to parent organizer Cedar Pruitt at cpruitt@gmail.com with any questions. Hope to see you there!
Spring 2019 ELA and Math MCAS Dates – The district has developed a tentative MCAS schedule for each school to ensure that the technology department can provide technical support during testing days. MCAS for all three grades will be computer based this year. Please find below the testing dates assigned to specific grades for each subject:
Calendar |
FORJ MeetingTuesday, March 5, 7 p.m.Spring AuctionSaturday, March 23225 Nevada St. Open HouseSaturday, March 30th9:00 am - 12:00 pmNevada St. Transportation and Traffic Meeting with HM CommunityThursday, April 4th6:30 pm
Visit the entire Horace Mann Calendar at www.horacemannpto.com
From the PTO |
Thanks so much to 4th & 5th Grade Social Action Committee for participating in the Horace Mann volunteer event at Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory on February 6th.
In addition to bringing the coats collected during the December coat drive, we sorted clothes that will help 189 children and put together 47 outfit sets!
Looking forward to future volunteer events!
Horace Mann is moving to the Carr Building
Horace Mann is scheduled to move to the Carr Building in September 2019.
We know there are many questions about what to expect with regards to the move, facility enhancement, technology and many other areas. In order to help us communicate accurate information, Mark Nardelli will answer your questions through regular updates via email and news notes. Please list any questions you have about the move below. Thank you!
Quick Links |
Don't forget to use our rewards programs when you shop! Money raised goes towards the PTO. Thanks!
You can also pay your dues online if you haven't already.
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