Monday, June 3, 2019

NewsNotes 6/3/2019

  1. Transportation/Traffic - Here’s an update from our evening meeting last week:
    • We shared the most updated crossing guard locations:
      • Nevada/Linwood
      • California/Nevada
      • Nevada/Walnut
      • Walnut/Watertown
      • Albemarle/North
    • We shared walking routes:
      • We will be observing key locations in September to make sure that the walking routes we’ve selected are indeed safe and practical. Please send any concerns to me via email and I will forward them to the traffic department.
    • We shared bus routes:
      • We are moving forward with two buses (Green Alligators and Purple Penguins) with several stops for each bus.    We are also in the process of taking input on these stops in hopes of adding 1-2 more for each route.  Again, if you have input, please send suggestions into me.
      • To apply for a free bus pass, please click the bus application link.  You should return the application directly to the school.  We will be sending applications home in backpacks as well.
    • We shared parking/traffic guidelines for the area around the Nevada St. location.
  2. GaGa Ball Pit - Over the past two weeks, contractors have been installing a permanent new Gaga Ball on the playground area at the Nevada St. location. This will be ready to go this summer!  If you don’t know what Gaga Ball is, click on this link for a short video:

END OF YEAR EVENTS - We have a number of events scheduled for the last couple of weeks…just wanted to offer a few highlights:
  • Art Show - On Tuesday, June 4th, students in grades 3-5 will have their artwork on display in the gym and in other areas of the building.  There will also be a few musical performances.  The show will run from 12:30-5:00.  We hope you can join us.
  • Musical Performances - Last week, 4th graders in the orchestra, band and chorus performed for both students and parents at two separate performances.  3rd graders (recorders) and 5th graders will do the same this week.  In all cases, the children have prepared for several months, practicing both independently and together as a group.  We are proud of the students for their commitment and dedication to their respective instruments.
  • 5th Grade Graduation - On Tuesday, June 11th, we will honor this year’s 5th grade class as they move on to their middle school experience.  This group holds the special distinction of being the last class to graduate from the current Horace Mann building.
  • Market Day - Students in 2nd grade will participate in an afternoon of crafts and market strategy using information they've learned about Ghana. 
  • Other grade level celebrations - Students will be sharing portions of the work they've accomplished this year.
  • End of Year Picnic - On Monday, June 17th, we will host one final picnic at the Horace Mann School on Watertown St.  This will be a time to get together as a community to share some food, have fun, and say farewell to the current space.

BILLY PEPICELLI RETIREMENT - I wanted to share that Billy Pepicelli, longtime Newton Custodian, has decided to retire at the end of this school year. Billy has spent the last 38 years working in various buildings in the city, and has earned the reputation as one of the most respected members of his profession. In his time at Horace Mann, Billy has always taken great pride in having a clean facility.  At any given moment during the day, you will find Billy cleaning windows or restrooms, responding to a teacher need, taking care of a spill, or working with contractors to repair something.  Billy is tremendously dedicated, is a great team player, and has been a caring and thoughtful member of our team.  There’s no doubt that Billy will be missed.  We wish him the best in his retirement.

NEWTON METCO WELCOME EVENT - The Newton METCO Family Welcome Event will be held at Angier Elementary School on Friday, June 7th, 2019, 6:30pm - 8:30pm.  This event is an opportunity for families and/or staff at your schools to meet the incoming families for SY 19-20.  We are sending the invite to your current Newton METCO families in the incoming grades at your school and to FORJ.  Please share the event to Newton residents through your weekly newsletter/annoucement from your school.  Here is the link for staff/families to register:
Password: newton

HONOR THY TEACHER PROGRAM - As the end of the school year approaches, you may be wondering how best to thank the special teachers and staff who have taught and nurtured your children since September. Please consider participating in Newton Schools Foundation’s (NSF) Honor Thy Teacher, which provides a way to simultaneously recognize our faculty and support our schools while also complying with the Newton Public Schools Gift Policy.
When you donate to Honor Thy Teacher, NSF will
  • Notify honored teachers and staff of your gift
  • Share honoree names with the Superintendent’s office and individual school principals
  • List all honored teachers and staff in a fall issue of the Newton TAB
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
  • Environment and Sustainability
  • Leadership and Citizenship
  • Race and Achievement
  • Music and Arts
  • Literacy and Writing Instruction
  • Social/Emotional Learning; and
  • Global Travel and Learning.
The funds raised through Honor Thy Teacher focus onteachers’ professional development and new curricula and learning opportunities which collectively impact schoolchildren across all grade levels. This year NSF funding is supporting programs and initiatives which range the gamut of content areas, including:
Read about the programs NSF funds.
By donating to NSF, you are not only acknowledging teachers on a personal level but also providing rich professional development opportunities for them, and supplementing the existing enrichment opportunities that the district provides.
The suggested donation to Honor Thy Teacher is $25 per teacher/staff member. You can find out more information about the specific programs NSF supports online at, where you can also donate electronically.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support Newton’s teachers.