MCAS Information Session Materials - On Friday, March 25th, I held an info session on the basics of MCAS. I've included a link to the slide deck that I shared for anyone who missed the presentation. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Ramadan - This year Ramadan runs from Friday, April 1st - Sunday, May 1st. We have some materials that are available for viewing if you are interested in talking to your child about Ramadan and this important holiday period. We will also be discussing the holiday in classrooms.
Ramadan Slide Deck #1
Ramadan Slide Deck #2
Thanks to Ms. Thorne and to Amira Elamri's daughter Tia for sharing these resources.
Fitness for Life Update - This year’s event is planned for FRIDAY, JUNE 17th. A few added points from my last communication:
We’ve created a revised plan to address some concerns about busing fees and the warm June temps. As such, we are going to end the events of the day a little earlier than in the past.
K classrooms will eat at 11:30 and head back to HM around noon.
1st and 2nd grade classes will eat at 12:00 and head back to HM around 12:30.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes will eat lunch at 12:30 and head back to HM around 1:00pm.
There will be no stations or activities after lunch.
For students who stay all day, we will have activities for the children back at school until the 2:50 dismissal time.
5th Grade Graduation - Each class will have a unique and individualized 30 minute ceremony outside on the basketball court.
Below are some of the details:
Graduation will take place on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd
8:30 - Akdag/Salvatore
9:15 - Moore
10:00 - Oldmixon
Family members will be welcome and encouraged to attend this event. Additional information will be shared in the coming weeks.
All School Assembly - On Friday, March 25th, we held our first all school assembly in over two years. It was awesome to get everyone back together! During these monthly gatherings, we call attention to our collective similarities and embrace our diversity, we talk about our collective values, and we celebrate being together. At this first session, we taught the students the Hawk Wings signal for quiet, ran through our Horace Mann “WHO ARE WE” chant, and spent a ton of time dancing. Our next assembly will be on Friday, April 8th.