Good Morning Horace Mann Community,
Last night we had a great Design Review and Horace Mann School Building Committee and Community meeting. For those of you who missed the meeting you can watch the recording here.
Our design team from GRA and Traverse Landscape Architects presented updates on the latest site and landscape plans. GRA then took us inside the building and reviewed the minor refinements to the proposed addition and renovations.
Attached to this email is a copy of the presentation given last night as well as the requested draft space summary comparison that shows the existing conditions compared to what is being proposed.
I was also asked to provide an update to the project schedule. I have drafted a revised schedule for review by the project team and I'll send along the final version as soon as it's ready.
We received some great suggestions last night. From refinements to some of the project breakout areas, to flipping the basketball court and playground, all comments were focused on getting everything just right for the staff, students, and neighborhood.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 26th at 6:00pm and you can join the meeting once it starts by clicking here.
Josh Morse
Public Buildings Commissioner
Public Buildings Department
City of Newton
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