Title 1 Evening Workshop
Thursday, October 25th - 4th and 5th grade families
Session 1: Math - Investigations Overview
Session 2: Screen Time
Thursday, October 25th - 4th and 5th grade families
6:00-7:30 pm
Workshop Details
- This evening is geared towards parents of 4th/5th grade students.
- Each session will run approximately 40 minutes.
- Parents will have a chance to attend both sessions on the same night.
- REGISTRATION link: https://goo.gl/forms/oVxlEUBGVBNSj4hF3
- Free childcare and pizza will be available.
- We will run a similar workshop for families in grades 1, 2 and 3. Date is TBD.
Math - Introduction to Investigations
- Introduction and overview of the Investigations Math program and our expectations.
- Interactive introduction to multiplication and division concepts for Grades 4 and 5.
- Tips on how to help your child at home with some key concepts.
- Technical advice on how to access the Investigations program at home.
Screen Time - Advice for Parents and Caregivers
- Explore the latest trends in social media, online gaming, etc.
- Advice on how to set screen time limits.
- There will also be an interactive tutorial on using the new IOS screen time controls.
- For non IOS users, we will also talking other ways to limit screen time from a technical perspective.
- Sharing of resources and opportunity for discussion/Q & A.